Marketing| Major
The marketing major is designed to give students exposure to specific areas of marketing not addressed by the broader-based business administration major. The program builds on a foundation of business courses with a set of courses covering topics such as marketing research, advertising, public relations, consumer behavior and international marketing.
Marketing Exposure
The marketing major is designed to give students exposure to specific areas of marketing not addressed by the broader-based business administration major. The program builds on a foundation of business courses with a set of courses covering topics such as marketing research, advertising, public relations, consumer behavior and international marketing.
(Program accredited by the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education)
Requirements for the Major
54-57 semester credits including:
AC 101 Accounting Principles I
AC 102 Accounting Principles II
BA 324 International Business
BA 400 Senior Seminar
CI 101 Computers and Information Processing
CI 341 Management Information Systems
EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics
FN 320 Corporation Finance
LG 315 Business Law I
MK 203 Marketing Principles
MK 301 Social and Digital Media Marketing
MK 317 Marketing Management
MK 334 Consumer Behavior
MK 335 Marketing Research
MK 394 Advertising and Public Relations
MN 200 Introduction to Management
MN 215 Business Statistics
MK 250 / 350 Internship in Marketing
Suggested Electives Include
MK 170-79 / 270-79 / 370-79 Special Topics in Marketing
Internships in a wide variety of fields enable students to integrate and apply their learning while opening the door to potential career opportunities. With an intense focus on our students' personal, intellectual and professional development, Lake Erie College affords students with an opportunity to truly bridge the gap between learning and doing. Employers recognize that Lake Erie College business graduates are prepared to hit the ground running, bringing strong analytical and communication skills, a practical, teamwork orientation and an inclination toward reliability and personal initiative in the workplace.
Graduate Preparation
The curriculum incorporates educational experiences designed to accelerate the development of today's student to tomorrow's business leader through the intensive use of collaborative projects, case studies and internships. All programs offered by the School of Business offer excellent preparation for further study at the graduate level.
For more information about Marketing…
Jenni Kinnaird, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kilcawley Hall
Marketing Faculty
Kathy Skledar, MA , MBA
Assistant Professor of Marketing
School of Business and Social Sciences
College Hall